All of the 2016 Suits for Success volunteers were wonderful, and Felicia Saunders was exceptionally so...
Felicia stood out in the following ways:
- She came up with creative ways of loading and unloading the suits, using a wheeled cart from the Xenos kitchen, with permission from staff
- She came up with smart methods to repack the suits, and helped organize other volunteers
It is a testimony to the strength of Felicia's commitment and dedication that she stayed to help until the very last suit was unloaded from the truck at UMCH.
It was an incredibly hot day and the truck was even hotter. Sweat was dripping off our faces and into our eyes.
Felicia never complained, and never faltered. She took off her shoes so she wouldn't slip on the ramp. She made jokes and had a fabulous attitude. She wowed and impressed us foster care alumni volunteers so much that, when we were finished and the truck was completely empty, we had to ask her name to make sure we will always remember her and her kindness.
She shared her name, and shared her signature quote, which we have added to her photo: "Felicia Saunders sticks around until it's done."