The following message was sent to members of the Conference Committee, and a series of calls were made to their offices by Ohio foster care youth, alumni and allies:
Thanks so much for serving on the conference committee. We care and understand that it’s been a complicated budget year -- the bill is literally over 9,000 pages long.
As current and former foster youth, we are deeply concerned that Bridges (Ohio’s extended foster care to age 21) has been completely overlooked in the latest version of Ohio’s budget (HB 33). Previously, 12M per year was dedicated to support the Bridges program. Without this funding, this statewide resource will be in jeopardy.
KID Line 830506 is the funding line item for children service programs, and the most recent version of the budget does not have a specific earmark for the Bridges program (Ohio’s extended foster care to age 21), as it does for other programs.
Please understand that the Bridges program literally provides a bridge for former foster youth when they turn 18 years old. It avoids them being immediately homeless after foster care. It provides support as well as accountability because to remain eligible, Bridges participants must be enrolled in college or other post-secondary school, be employed at least 80 hours a month or participate in a program designed to remove barriers to employment.
Ohio’s investment in the Bridges program isn’t just the right thing to do – it is the cost-effective thing to do. When Ohio’s former foster youth finish high school, go to college, and attain employment, we are able to financially contribute to our state via our taxes and our dedication to support our community.
The Overcoming Hurdles in Ohio Youth Advisory Board is a statewide organization of young people (ages 14-24) who have experienced foster care. The OHIO YAB exists to be the knowledgeable statewide voice that influences policies and practices that impact youth who have or will experience out of home care.
ACTION Ohio stands for Alumni of Care Together Improving Outcomes Now Ohio. We are an alumni group of adults who have experienced foster care personally, and who volunteer our time to improve outcomes for the next generation. Our initiatives include Thanksgiving Together and Three Days on the Hill.