Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Testimony on Senate Bill 182: Foster to College Scholarships

Ohio foster care youth, alumni and allies continue to share their voices to advocate for companion bills House Bill 164 and Senate Bill 182. Many thanks to ACTION Ohio ally member Kim Eckhart and to the Junior League of Columbus for their tireless efforts.

These two bills mirror one another in their efforts to enact sections 3301.95 and 3333.89 of the Revised Code to establish the Foster-to-College Scholarship Program, to require the Department of Education to hire a full-time school foster care liaison, and to make an appropriation for the Foster-to-College Scholarship Program.

House Bill 164 has 58 co-sponsors, and on June 12, 2024, it passed in the Ohio House of Representatives with a vote of 84 in favor and three against. So, current efforts are focused on supporting the Senate version.

Friday, June 21, 2024

2024 Leadership and Life Skills Summit


Link to more photos.

The Leadership and Life Skills Summit took place on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at the Crowne Plaza North. This was Ohio's first statewide life skills summit for current and former foster youth since the pandemic. For the past five years, Ohio foster care youth and alumni have been brainstorming about how to make this event happen once again. Last year’s Self Care Summit was to help lay that groundwork.

The purpose of this event is to inform and empower young people (ages 14-24) who have experienced out of home care. We received RSVPs from Allen, Athens, Champaign, Clark, Clinton, Cuyahoga, Delaware, Franklin, Geauga, Greene, Hamilton, Highland, Lake, Licking, Lorain, Lucas, Mahoning, Miami, Montgomery, Pike, Preble, Putnam, Ross, Vinton, Sandusky, Summit, Trumbull and Warren Counties. 

We are deeply grateful to the Ohio Children’s Alliance for partnering with us on the Aging Out Institute grant, which covered the cost of meals during this event. We also truly appreciate those who have supported the gathering, transport and distribution of Suits for Success. Without Velda Hofacker, Bethany Workman, Sarah Saunders, Jaye Turner, and an amazing team of staff volunteers from the Department of Children and Youth, successful transportation of approximately 950 brand new clothing items would have been impossible. 

This summit embodied “lived experience” because every workshop reflects the insights and input of current and former foster youth. Nine of the 11 workshops were facilitated or co-facilitated by current or former foster youth. There was also a learning track for with CEUs for adults who transported youth. Adults were required to transport youth in order to be eligible.